Profile PictureTodd Murphy

31 Pages - Human Physiology

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Want to achieve first-hand knowledge of what a medical student is taught without throwing hundreds if not thousands of dollars towards textbooks and schooling for just the price of a coffee?

Valued at $100+ I am offering you 31 pages of descript notes for ONLY $5.

Taking you through several major bodily systems that will help you understand how your body works, and give you a foundation to go deeper on the things you want to know, to get your body to the health status that you want.

Bullet point formatting for an easy time following each bodily system from top to bottom.

PDFs are labeled for simplicity PLUS a bullet point list overview of what to expect:

  • Digestive System (4 pages)
    • Digestive Process + Digestion and digestion types such as mechanical and chemical digestive processes
    • Alimentary Canal (GI Tract) + Details of each part of the GI tract
    • Accessory Organs i.e. organs that add value to the digestive process
      • Strong focus on the stomach, intestines, liver, and several other organs
  • Heart & Vascular (5 pages)
    • Namings of the Anatomy of the heart, such as the Pericardium, and the three layers of the heart wall
      • The cycle of blood flow + namings and direction of flow for the varying atria, ventricles, and vessels
    • Cardiac Muscles and Cardiac Cycle + Electrocardiography (EKG)
    • Physiology of the blood vessels
  • Lymphatics & Immune (7 pages)
    • Immune system i.e. innate defenses + adaptive defenses
      • Goes into great depth here, cell types + jobs, steps of inflammation, immune response, etc
    • Innate Defenses
      • Surface barriers
      • Internal Defenses
    • Adaptive Defenses (antibody types + what they do + abundance)
      • Humoral immunity
      • Cellular immunity
    • Varying immunodeficiencies
    • Lymphatics - the bodies drainage system + vessels and structures
      • Diseases
  • Respiratory System (3 pages)
    • Respiratory goals + primary steps
    • Respiratory zones
    • Mechanics of Breathing (provides depth on pressure, gases, functional tests, and pathways)
    • Diseases
  • Special Senses (4 pages) + Bonus Hematology
    • All bodily senses such as Gustation (taste) and Olfaction (smell)
    • Eye anatomy and Ear anatomy w/ pictures
    • Bonus Hematology (blood)
  • Urinary System (8 pages) - last 4 pages are less detailed
    • Urinary system organs i.e. Kidneys, Ureters, Bladder, Urethra
    • Heavy focus on the Kidneys
      • Nephron Groups
    • Renal physiology
      • Urine formation processes

+ $15 for 1 on 1 in my DMs, will respond to any questions you have + add context and information to any information within the notes. Valued at $50

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6 PDFs each going into detail of the digestive, heart & vascular, lymphatic & immune, respiratory, special senses, and urinary systems. Totaling 31 pages of material.

31 Pages about Human Physiology
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31 Pages - Human Physiology

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